Silkscreened Flat Lanyard

  • This lanyard is made of flat ribbed polyester, providing excellent detail and clarity.
  • It's perfect for standing out at conventions, concerts, and tradeshows.
  • Choose from 5 different width sizes and attachment options, including swivel j-hook, swivel bulldog clip, or keyring.
  • Silkscreen your company logo onto the lanyard for a convenient and high-quality promotional item that doubles as a souvenir.
  • Optional PMS ink and material matching is available to ensure your branding is consistent.
100 $2.28 each
144 $2.16 each
250 $2.08 each
500 $2.01 each
750 $1.92 each
1000 $1.82 each
Constructed out of flat ribbed polyester, this lanyard offers excellent detail and clarity. Ideal for turning heads at conventions, concerts, and tradeshows. Comes in 5 width sizes with your choice of attachment: swivel j-hook, swivel bulldog clip, or keyring. Have this lanyard silkscreened with your company logo for a convenient promotion that doubles as a high-quality souvenir. PMS ink and material match optional.

Product Size
35 IN Long



Angela Pope
CSB Promo
8022 Providence Rd. Suite 500-159
Charlotte, NC 28270
(704) 708-5088